Glass inkwell, pen rest lane and cap decorated in metal with different subjects
this is a 50ml black calligraphic inkwell (German calligraphic ink of Dokumental) with a cap decorated with a metal alloy treated with antique silver that prevents rust and ensures a longer life, all parts are made and produced strictly in Italy.
This inkwell is proposed with different subjects on the cap, small metal sculptures made of cast in the old world style, this Vintage inkwell with ink looks and feels like ancient inkwell of long ago
the offer is of six subjects: D dragon, E angel, F cat, G owl, I horse, L eagle
This inkwell with calligraphic ink can be a great gift for collectors and writing enthusiasts
Inkwell dimensions: 6.5 x 5.5 x 9 cm
D dragon
And angel
F cat
G owl
The Horse
Measurements: box 11 x 6.5 cm
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